TKT account access

This webpage and account area are here for you to be able to access designs, project information and development notes for your site in progress. It will be updated constantly as the project moves along, so be sure to refer here frequently. In this area you will find everything from your homepage designs and project notes to time sheets for winter wyman. If you have any questions or suggestions about this site, please contact me.


Time Table

Here you will find a table breakdown for the project. I will listed a brief description of what I will be doing, followed by estimated dates for them to be completed by. As I mentioned with Tony, if I feel the dates need to change as the project moves along, I will notify him in advance and discuss it at that time. This will be updated over time as new items may be added. (Changing the scope of the project is usually likely to happen)

TKT Website
Date to
Date to be
Design homepage for TKT - a total of 2 designs. Work with group to find appropriate images and sites to refer to. Design 2 concepts as photoshop files that will be posted for review by the team. 7/2 est. 7/9
Revisions for homepage design - after reviewing the design - we probably have to rework the designs to come to a final one. 7/10 est. 7/12
Sub level page designs for TKT - 2 designs will be created for the sublevel navigation of the site - and they will be posted for review 7/13 est. 7/16
Revisions of Sub level page for TKT -coming to a final design - then implementing that design for all the sublevel pages. 7/17 est. 7/20
Development of the website - possible talk of flash on homepage and subpages - and starting of building the site in html and various programming. (Will work with Nate) 7/23 est. 8/6
Development of the flash interactive intro and other flash elements of the site (storyboarding and samples for the review - then followed by development and posting) 8/6 est. 8/13
Finishing any other parts of the site, and preparing to lauch the site live. Q A with help from your team. 8/10 est. 8/15


Flash Presentations
Date to
Date to be
Create Storyboard for Gene Therapy as pencil sketches with an outline for the presentation - review with your team, make necessary changes, then begin the process 8/13 est. 8/16

Create artwork for the presentation: (ie - cells, proteins, medical equipment, people, etc) - look for sounds, and other files needed for the project - review all the pieces - begin flash presentation

*Make sure your team is beginning to get me the outline and copy for the presentation, etc.

8/16 est. 8/23

Design, Develope and Program the flash presentation:

Take the outlines and artwork and begin the animations, timelines, and flash work.

Post progress of the presentation on the TKT account page for your team to view.

Work with your team to make sure the progress is how we want it to proceed.

8/24 est. 9/5

Website postings

Here you will find links to images of your site in progress.

Homepage Designs - Round 1:
These designs are a starting point that should hopefully get us to a new home page quickly (Please keep in mind this designs ares NOT final versions, they will evolve as the process moves along). I have used your input references, notes, and some of my own creativity and have created interesting concepts that will bring up more discussions and get us moving in the right direction. One design is bit more conservative yet hip, while the other is more cutting edge and pushes the envelope in your industry.

Sub page - About Us Design - Round 1:
Like I mentioned before, these designs are a starting point that should hopefully get us to a sub page design quickly (Please keep in mind this designs ares NOT final versions, they will evolve as the process moves along).

Flash Homepage intro (Petri Dish) and DNA sequence animation

Gene Therapy Presentation
This is a pencil sketch to make sure the outline and process for the animation is in place. Please be aware that it is supossed to look simple now, but will help me when I create the presentation in the computer design programs.

This is a view of the cast members to be used in the presentation. I will continue add a newer ones are completed. The first few are of the medical equipment... and they are animated, so click on the text buttons to see them animate.


Project notes

Here I will post notes about important items we have discussed.

Update as of



Homepage Notes:
Web Sites to Reference- For the design process I have been asked to look at the following sites. Also these are the notes to follow for designing the homepage.

Your references:

    color scheme, clean site, easy to navigate
    color scheme, artistic flair differs from other sites
    color scheme, easy to navigate, flash graphics
    use of interactive images on home page and subsequent pages
    color scheme, clean site, easy to navigate
    simple interactive image on home page, technology/topic related icons next to links for each page

Proposed Color Schemes: Options you have suggested to me:

  1. Light green for menu bar. Scimitar to the annual report. Black/gray text over green
  2. Light shade of royal blue for nav bar. White text over blue . Main text black over white

Impressions from the meeting: The design should be clean and bright. (Therefore I suggest using light background colors with vibrant solid images and navigation). The homepages should have 2 options. One containing scientific and cell like imagery ( gene cell animation), while the other will contain a more human element.

Images for homepage and for site suggested:

Top Choices
About Us
-     Image of corporate location, interior of TKT
-     Both administrative employee and scientific/R&D employee at work
Development Platforms
-     Scientific image of cell 
Patient Information
-     Image of clinican
News Bureau
-     Image of news paper
Investor Information
-     TKT/NASDAQ symbol (flash)

Stock photos:
Please go to this link to see the images we may purchase.. - I think you may have to log in as me to see the list, if so I can provide that for you. Just email me and request it, however, I will also provide a print out for you when I go to the meeting...

cool sites:some with good use of flash

Industry specific sites:


Thank you for your business. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Brad Jackvony
24 P St. #2, Boston, Ma 02127
phone: 617.464.3021 x1
cell: 617.699.4677

TKT Contacts

Nathan McBride 617.349.0501
Tony Murabito 617.349.0229
Justine Koenigsberg 617.349.0271 jkoenigsbe r
Daniella Lutz 617.349.0205
Fran Dingle 617.349.0385





Time Sheets

Please click on the date, print it out, sign it, and send to Winter Wyman. Thank you