Gene Therapy Flash Presentation cast members
Most of these are interactive so click on the text buttons to see them move.

Please scroll down, as their are many cast members to view.
Also, these are just samples to see if I may need to make adjustments, as well as I will add newer members as they are created for the presentation. I will be added to these as I fine tune the others to show. I am also in the process of designing the interface, working with sound, etc.

Gene Therapy Flash presentation...

This is now the first draft version for the Gene Therapy presentation. Please read the few quick notes before watching:

  • Please ignore the copy and text, since I am still waiting for a definite outline and copy for the procedure
  • The sound will have an option to turn it off, as well I have other sample of music I will let you hear, if we aren't happy with this one.
  • Some of the procedures and steps may need changes, as I am using only the story board concepts I created myself, and they may be a bit incosistent or even incorrect.
  • The small green petri dishes at the bottom will be for representing where you are along the presentation, once we know how many steps we will create... I suggest around 12 to 15... and you will be able to click to any step along the way
  • There may be a few bugs I am unaware of at this point....
Centerfuge - tube

This is the when the skin sample from the patient will be placed into, and sent to the TKT labs. It is also where some of the mixing will take place.

This is will be used throughout the presentation for when the cells and liquid are poured into the petri dishes, cuvettes, test tubes, etc.

Petri Dish
The petri dish is where all the cells activity (dividing, multiplying, growing , dying. etc). .

Cells flattening out in petri dish
Cells splitting out in petri dish

The cuvette is shown when the cells are removed from the petri dish and then placed in here. The cuvette is then placed in the electroporator to allow the Plasmid DNA to be injected into the nucleus.

This part of the presentation is to show when the Plasmid DNA is inserted via Electroporation. Here is where the cuvette is inserted into the device, and then charged up. - this will also be where we zoom into DNA


The microtiter is once an isolated colony of cells is taken from the larger petri dishes, and placed into individual containers of the microtiter. here the colonies continue to grow.


The syringe is used when the colonies are taken from the microtiter and placed into a flash to be sent back to the doctor and patient.



The T-flask is to be used when the cells are taken from the microtiter and placed into the T-flask to be sent back to the doctor's office for the procedure to insert the cells back into the patient.