TKT website sub page designs
Design :About us page

Note: this design is just a starting point, please let me know things you like and don't like about it. I can go over with you on the phone in more detail how these pages will play out.

This design for the sub page is based on the clean look we tried to create from the homepage. I created a navigation bar along the top ,that when rolled over with change to green like the homepage, and when created in flash (if you choose to do that) -will show the links you can choose from in that section below. Those links will be black text that turned to green when rolled over. On the nav bar I placed the same TKT logo used on the homepage with a piece of the image used on the homepage to help tie that into to the sublevel pages. On the right I placed the category About us text in Black and green, consistent with the homepage.

I also placed on the right, similar to the design on the homepage, the image for this section of the site (in this case the DNA helix). I also thought it might be nice to have some kind of quote with in the image. This image can be changed for each sub page in that category (like for the community outreach page, if we have pictures to use.

All in all I like the clean look of this design, and feel it is compliments your homepage well.

  • See the About us page
  • See the About us page revisions
    Notes:On the menu bar please initial cap the text.
    * On the menu bar Community is spelled wrong. Please
    check pages for typos.
    * The pictures on the menu bar are difficult to make
    out, excluding the DNA helix. Can you sharpen the
    * Please remove the white lines running through the image
    on the right as this is distracting.
    * The "site search" and "site map" link should appear in
    the same place as the home page.
    * Please be sure there is a link on each page to get
    back to the home page. It should be clearly visible on
    each page in the same place and clearly labeled TKT
    home. Will this be the TKT logo?
    * We would stay with one color on ŒAbout Us and Company
    Overview‚. The green is ok.

  • See about us Revisions 3 and all first level sub page screen shots
    Delete the word DNA from the helix image
    The text at the bottom of the graphic should line up better (the last line -
    "to patient in need" - appears as though it is cut off.) Move the text up
    slightly so that it is clearer where the box ends.
    At the top of the page, the faded text for Transkaryotic Therapies next to the
    logo should be the full name (add, Inc.)
    The Company Overview subsection stays green (does not turn to black) when you
    highlight the other sections ( (i.e. Corporate Directions). The name should
    turn from green back to black when it is not selected.

  • See about us Revisions 4 and all first level sub page screen shots
    On the menu bar, change "Corporate Directions" to "Directions".
    On the menu bar, there is an odd character between the back slash and
    "Rankings" in "Awards/Rankings", please delete this character.
    Please make sure that you spell check the concepts. Committed is misspelled
    under the helix image.
    Please use the same font size for all of the text in the call out quote under
    the helix image.
    Committed is a different font size, so please make all of the text consistent.
    Please make sure that you do this on all pages.
    Change the title "Awards/Rankings" to "Awards/Events". Please also make this
    change on the sub menu that appears for About Us on the home page.
    Please add a line under all of the bold text (i.e. the platform names) that
    will be later linked to other pages on the site. You currently have it in bold
    type. Please underline it as well.
    Lighten the bottom half of the helix image. We do not like how it turns into a
    solid black where the quote appears. NOTE: Lighten the bottom on all images,
    not only on the About Us page but on the other sub pages as well.
    Development Platforms
    Change the order of the platform names to: Niche Protein Platform (add the word
    "Platform"), Gene Activation Technology, and Gene Therapy Technology.
    Initial cap all of the sub menu names. For ex., the t in "technology" is not
    capped for either Gene Activation or Gene Therapy on the menu bar.
    Add the following quote under the researcher and microscope image: Producing
    and delivering new therapies for common and rare diseases.
    Delete the text that is currently used for the Overview. Please use the word
    "Place holder" instead.
    News Bureau
    On the menu bar, officers is misspelled. Again, please spell check the concepts
    going forward.
    Delete Legal News from the menu bar. We want to eventually add it as a section
    ut not now.
    Move Executive Officers from the News Bureau page to the About Us page. It
    typically appears here. Also, be sure to update the About Us sub sections as
    they appear on the menu bar once you move the Executive Officers section.
    We may want to add a link to the Press Releases section under Investor
    Information since we do not need the releases to appear on both pages. That
    way, we could delete the Press Releases sub section from News Bureau so that it
    is not repetitive.
    Investor Information
    Add an investor contact at the top of the page, above the text so that it
    stands out. The contact should be:
    Justine E. Koenigsberg
    Director, Corporate Communications
    (617) 349-0271
    Move the text ("TKTX NASDAQ LISTED") to the bottom of the image box on the
    right of the page. This way, we probably will not need to include a quote or
    any call out text.
    Patient Information
    Add in this order: Fabry Disease, Hunter Syndrome, Hemophilia A to the menu
    bar. These are the sub sections for Patient Information. Make sure that each
    sub section name is initial capped.
    Add the following quote under the clinician and patient image: Developing
    therapies to address unmet medical needs.
    Delete the quote at the top of the page ("See why our employees are
    Add the following quote under the employee meeting image: The best is yet to
    We are planning to take a photo of TKT's HR group in a meeting with a similar
    look to this photo. Once I have this, I will send it to you.