TKT homepage design notes
Design 1: Clean, sophisticated, and Bold

Notes from 7/12

Hi all,
I will go ahead and make these adjustments to the homepage. One thing I usually end up doing is making little adjustments as the homepage is being finished to help "polish" up the design. So I may make suggestions in the design that I feel make it work more effective and look more appealing. In other words, I will incorporate your changes below, while adding some of my own stuff to try to aid the design. I will be in touch by end of today, if not then for Monday morning, to have an updated version of the homepage and a design for the about us sub page.
Please read below to see my responses to your changes...
> Justine, Fran, and I looked through the concept and we liked design 2. We did
> have a few comments on the design, as follows:
> We liked the news bar at the bottom of the page better on your initial
> concept,
> when the entire bar was in black with "Latest News" at the beginning of the
> bar. Please change this back. Also, on this tool bar, the T is cut off of TKT
> at the very beginning, please make sure that the entire logo comes through
> since viewers will read left to right.
- No problem, I fixed this, one reason I changed it from being entirely black was the fast that since it's 3 times at thick, the black can be a bit overwhelming - but it still looks good, just a bit more blaring.
> In this same section, where the news appears, please delete "more" after the
> title of the press releases. It is okay to leave the 3 dots. Also in this
> section, please delete the grid lines that appear as part of the black
> background.
no problem
> The photo of the TKT scientists is too pronounced boxed out as you have it. We
> would like to have this image blended into the background as it did on your
> initial concept (with no box). We also want this image to be the same faded
> gray/blue that the background test tube image is as this was on your initial
> concept so this picture does not appear to be separate from the other.
> Please try to bring out a little more blue for the scientist/test tube
> background image. We thought this gray scale was a little too light while the
> first concept was too blue. Please try to blend somewhere between this gray
> and
> the original blue.
I will adjust the scientist/test tub image to be a bit more colorful, no problem. the blending of the image should not bee problem...I will have to come up with a better way for the image to fade in and out, I will probably have to do it in flash so you will have a better understanding of how it will work..
> Please add "gene" to appear with "activation" as the name of the platform is
> "gene activation" and not simply "activation".
> Please make the platform names (gene activation, niche proteins, gene therapy)
> static so that all 3 platform names appear at the same time after each has
> faded in.
> Please capitalize the "u" in "us" for the About Us title on the menu bar.

> For the Investor Information image, please delete the image that you have on
> the menu bar and replace it with the TKT-NASDAQ logo that should have been
> uploaded via ftp for you to access. If you do not have it in .eps format,
> please let Fran know and she will make sure that Tony uploads the file for you
> to access.
_ I don't have that so I will need that send to me...
> Lastly, please email all of 4 of us (Tony, Fran, Justine, and me) when you
> send
> any correspondence about updates to our online account or anything else so
> that
> we are all always aware of what is going on. I think that you currently email
> only Tony and myself.
> If you have any questions about these edits, please email Fran as I will be
> out
> of the office tomorrow and Monday.