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News Release
Tracy Hartman, Fuse Inc.
Tel 978.462.0002 x13



WESTMONT, IL - January 14, 2002 United Plastics Group, Inc. (UPG) announced today that it is closing two manufacturing facilities in Brooksville, FL and Montreal, Canada as part of its continuing corporate restructuring initiative to strengthen and grow the company.

"In this current economic environment, it is necessary for UPG to aggressively cut costs in areas that will allow us to remain competitive in pursuit of growth opportunities with our customers. Our goal is to continue to strengthen UPG's position in the plastics industry as the leader in the design, engineering and manufacturing of products and services worldwide," said Shannon White, UPG's CEO.

The Brooksville and Montreal facilities are expected to close by April 15, 2002, with 117 United Plastics Group, Inc. associates affected by the closings. A comprehensive separation package, including severance pay and continuation of medical and dental benefits, will be provided to affected employees. UPG will also work with the local workforce development authorities in each location to assist personnel in finding new employment opportunities.

Customer programs from these facilities will be transferred to UPG's Chicopee, MA and Anaheim, CA facilities.

As part of the restructuring for growth initiative, UPG completed their El Paso, TX plant expansion in mid-December. Capacity at this plant nearly doubled from a 37,000 sq. ft. facility into a 62,000 sq. ft. facility. UPG is expecting to announce additional growth opportunities in China by end of first quarter 2002.

Shannon continued, "We will be relentlessly focused on implementing our strategic objectives, which are to have the best people, offer the highest quality at the lowest cost for our customers."

About United Plastics Group, Inc.
United Plastics Group, Inc., headquartered in Westmont, IL, is a full service design, engineering, and manufacturing resource for injection molded products and value-added services for the electronics, automotive/consumer, medical and contract manufacturing markets. United Plastics Group operates state-of-the-art facilities in California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Mexico, Minnesota, Texas, United Kingdom and is soon to announce UPG China (opening end of first quarter 2002).


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