Account Page for STC of Boston

From information gathered by talking with you on the phone, and from reading your requirements, I will list some bullet points of what will be done for the project and in a time frame and estimated cost (This will be estimated via hours, and Winter Wyman will negotiate a rate.)

If I am selected to work on your project, there will also be a list of items I will need from you in order to begin designing and developing the site. Lastly, I will use this page as a reference point to view postings of the site as it is being designed and built. I think you will find this site helpful and fun as you follow your site being completed. Please let me know if you have any problems viewing this page or any suggestions regarding this process.


Multimedia Brochure for STC via the Web and CD
To design and develop an interactive website/brochure will present the STC and specifically, the Boston chapter, to prospective members and the outside world in a fresh, innovative manner. The brochure must highlight the benefits of STC membership at society level and locally. It should use a stimulating and visually interesting approach that works well on a mini-CD, on the Web, and in print. It needs to coordinate with the Society’s (new) logo and branding.

What you will get:
A professionally designed and developed interactive website/multimedia brochure. The site will be completely designed in Flash and html, a program and code language that is built for fast web audience delivery, but that can also very easily be placed on mini CDs, as well as being printed.

I will work with your team of writers for the copy and presentation of the multimedia brochure, and will also work with any developers in your organization as well.

Quick list of items included in the project.

  • 2 cutting edge and professional homepage design concepts to be posted on this accounts page for your review
  • A final homepage that is approved by your team, that will be very interactive
  • Various secondary pages of the online brochure/website
  • Interactivity, animation or rollovers on home page and subpages - we will have to work together to see what form of animation and interactivity will be appropriate for your cause.
  • A fully developed site that I will then post to on your website and help deliver on mini-cds

What I need from you:

  • Logo— need the original eps and font type
  • All photography and imagery (including pictures of the team) you have, as well as input on designs (competitor's sites, sites you admire, etc ) you would like to emulate.
  • Any other notes or input you may want to add in reference to the site

Time estimation:
As I explained before, my rate will be negotiated through Winter Wyman, so I will just give me my estimation of hours. I estimate that if the site gets all these services rendered, that this site will run to at least 65-70 hours of work.

Chart for simple breakdown of the process and time frame.
We can go over this to help explain these items if you need more clarification. I can't put a time frame completely together until I know your exact deadline. However, a project this size can be completed usually in a short time span is everything is provided from your team when I request it.

he latest news requires that my first time frame was to hopefully have the project ready for 12/15, however that seems not possible now due to the fact that we can't promise the final designs being developed before the early part of December due to the late meeting on 11/27 before the holidays.

Please read below to see my est. time table...

Date completed Hours
STC website design and development 11/13 EST. 12/21 Est. 75 hours
2 homepage designs 11/13 11/20
Homepage design revisions 11/21 11/30
Interactivity designs 12/3 12/5
Interactivity/ Animation revisions 12/5 12/7
Navigational page designs and animations 12/10 12/12
Navigational page designs and animationsr revisions 12/13 12/14

Building and developing the site once designs are final.

This includes all interactivity, html, and development of the pages. Including posting the site to the server.

Also will include figuring out the be way for you to distribute to CD.

12/17 12/21

I will be ready to get rolling as soon as I get the stuff I have requested and the green light. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. I estimate once we get the project going, that it would take about a month's time to see it actually go live on the web and on disc. (We can go over this in detail once the project begins...)

Thank you for your business. If you have any questions about this invoice please email me or call me.


Site Postings

Here I will post links to the designs for you to review. The designs will come with copy that explains the reasons and concepts behind the designs I will create.



Project notes

Here I will post notes about updates and changes to the project, involving all aspects:



Thank you for your business. All billing will be handled via Winter Wyman.