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First Draft Designs - scroll down the page to view the 2 concepts

*Please read the simple overview and notes below for each of the first 2 concepts for the homepage design of the multimedia brochure. Some of the things I felt strongly about as I thought of STC of Boston, were the following:

  • It is Boston based
  • It is Historical, yet changes with the times
  • It is a vibrant community

I held these thoughts as I created these concepts.

These are currently just some rough sketches and layouts to help us find the right path to a final design/concept through further discussions...

Note: There are 2 designs that each have 2 slightly different color schemes, so there are a total of 4 designs on this page to scroll through...


Design 1: Successful and Sophisticated

For concept 1, I decided to use a theme that demonstrated STC Boston as a proud historical society that has class and dignity. The design directs your eye first to the Boston skyline at night, as either a black and white skyline or colored skyline, placed in the center of the page, with the STC logo below the skyline. I see some type of animation focused here on the skyline and logo (we can go in more detail at the meeting). Surrounding the skyline the user's eye should follow the navigational areas of the multimedia brochure. They are designed to feel like buttons that when rolled over will create an interactive response. This will have allow for a nice and crisp visual effect. I also think about using the bottom of the design to possibly rotate news or important items you may want to highlight. The colors I used to help define the feeling of this concept are the strong bold colors of dark blues and purples, outlined in blacks and grays, and then contrasted with white and light blue background and yellow/or white highlights for the text.

Design 1 version 1

Design 1 version 2:



Design 2 - Elegant, Simple and Fun

For concept 2, I decided to make the homepage concept to look more cutting edge/hip. I decided the design theme would be based around the word Boston, using the 2 O's in Boston as the main "windows" for the page. Those circles will be a basis for any interactivity we will use, and will provide a focal point for your eye. Ex. We can use it to have images fade in and out, or have them swap different images when you rollover certain areas, etc. Basically it will be a place for the users eye to focus on when looking at the design for stimulation. The navigation will be based with some simple bars either placed horizontally or vertically. I think this design will play great for a simple yet, elegant layout - that will allow for some fun interactivity. The colors represent some crisp and clean shades of green, grays and black, as well as the option of green and burnt oranges. I feel these colors give a cutting edge feel for this type of design.

Design 2 version 1

Design 2 version 2