TKT homepage designs
Design 1: Clean, sophisticated, and Bold

This design is based on the idea of using medical and human imagery as a collage to depict the science and people at TKT. I have chosen a picture of a scientists and medical tools such as syringes and petri dish.

I foresee the words in the main area as animating text highlighting key words and descriptions for TKT's message. The navigation and design were created in shades of blue, dark and light, with hints of black around the entire layout, which in turn helped create a bold and crisp homepage. The navigation bars have hints of images in the background that will be used in the sub-level pages for that area, that when rolled over highlight with a lighter shade of green that produces the sub level navigation on the left for easy access to links in that category. The news category will animate different news features in and out every 5 to 10 seconds.

Note: The about us link on this design show's how the rollover may look for the sub level navigation.

  • See the design
  • See notes from this design...
  • Demo

  • Round 2 Design 1:
    These designs have been modified from the first version of Design 1. I have modified the image of the syringe and scientist to be a grayscale image with hints of blue and green- instead of a bolder darker blue in the first. As well, I have boxed out the scientist on the lower left corner, as we had talked about.
    • Also the two versions show simple rollover for only the about us link, -not in flash (so it will actually not look at good as when it's developed to be faded in and out, but it gives you a starting point).
    • *Since this a demo, please remember this is not exactly how it will appear, and it may load slowly as well the first time you rollover the about us.
      • Version 1- with image on left in box - swaping in and out
      • Version 2 - with background image of syringe swaping in and out

  • Round 3 - Design 1:
    Notes for this design:
    After reviewing your feedback, I have made the necessary changes you requested and adjusted a few things on my own.(please refer to the notes above for your requests). I changed the homepage design to now have the background image with the scientist blended into the collage. I feel that since we agree we liked how that looked, that it no longer worked to have the rollovers happen in the lower left hand box. I got rid of that box, and you can see how I think the rollovers should work now - please let me know your thoughts on this. I also changed the rollover box from green to white, as I feel it looks much cleaner and will be more effective for your site. I think it works much better the way it is now. Also, rather than reproduce it in flash again, it is just one simple rollover for the about us page.

    Also, as I mentioned, I made all the the changes you requested that you can see on the notes link above. If I missed any please let me know..
  • Round 4 - Design 1:
    I have made the changes below and put the homepage in flash. For now there is only the about us working, so I can show you the homepage in progress..,remember this isn't the final version, but a work in progress....
    • See the Round 4 design
      The rollover image should replace the
      picture on the bottom left hand corner of the two TKT
      scientists. This should not be an additional graphic,
      but a replacement to the current image depending on
      which menu bar selection you are viewing.
      * The blue background appears too dark. Please lighten
      the background a shade or two as we previously
      discussed. This will brighten the page up.
      * Please make the tag line "Biotechnology With a Sense
      of Purpose" all the same green color.
      * On the recent press releases, the font is too small.

    Round 5- Design 1:
    I have made the changes below and put the homepage in flash. For now there is only the about us working, so I can show you the homepage in progress

    • See the Round 5 design
      Notes:on the home page the text flash is very slow.
      I think we are losing the image in how it is faded into the design. Very
      difficult to make out and the people now look somewhat fuzzy - we should
      sharpen this image. We also lose the helix image (the image that corresponds
      with the subsections).
      I would like to see Niche Protein be the first words that flash across the
      screen as that is our most advanced platform.
      The TM disappeared from Biotechnology with a sense of purpose.
      When you select the About Us link on the home page the subsections should also
      be initial capped here. I would change the last link to Awards/Rankings and
      drop Company from it. (this should also be made on the About Us page directly.

    Round 6- Design 1:
    I have made the changes below and put the homepage in flash. For now there is only the about us working, so I can show you the homepage in progress

    • See the Round 5 design
      Please change the order of the platform names that fade into the home page. We
      want niche proteins at the top and gene activation at the bottom (where niche
      proteins currently is so you only need to switch the platform names).
      The first press release listed only has one period after the headline. Please
      add two period marks after the headline of the press release to be consistent
      with the other two that are listed.
      Please make the sub sections that appear on the home page consistent with those
      that are listed on the About Us sub page. They currently are not consistent.
      The helix for About Us on the menu bar does not stand out as much as it did on
      previous concepts. It appears as though the images was darkened. Please
      brighten/lighten it so that it stands out more against the blue.
      We do not like how the helix fades in and out when it appears in the corner of
      the home page when you select About Us from the menu bar. Please make the image
Design 2: Cutting Edge, Technological/Scientific, and Meaningful

Side note: I was notified on Friday that using DNA for imagery may be a bit overused, so I am in the process of creating other types of models. Yet, this design uses a very different form of DNA in a 3d environment, so I think it is worth looking into.

This design screams cutting edge. I have combined the complex side of TKT's work to show that it's all for the better of human life, in tune with the image of the child. (I see that image animating through different pictures of kids and adults.)

Using 3d modeling in wire-frame and full rendered images, the shapes of a DNA helix and cells portray a cool and groundbreaking biotechnological company that builds and creates life from amazing research and discovery. That research and discovery is in tune is for the purpose of helping people live better and longer lives. I foresee animation in 3d of all shapes of genes, cells and DNA that show things coming to life. For the navigation, I see the rollover allowing for the sub navigation to appear below in the gray box, while imagery fading in and out where the child's face appears. This design uses shades of green, gray and hints of orange. I feel this vibrant colors execute a cutting edge feel for the design.

Note: The about us link on this design show's how the rollover may look for the sub level navigation.